Matterport 3D Tech for General Contractors in Commercial Construction

We Get Around Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod presented the Matterport 3D Showcase WalkAround tour technology to 200+ general contractors attending the AGC Georgia Construction Tech Forum at Atlanta Tech Village on Thursday, 29 January 2015.

Watch the video (above) – or read the transcript (below) – about how to leverage Matterport 3D visual storytelling solution for the 3R's in commercial construction:

  • Reference – improve reference photography
  • Renovation – save time with renovation projects that do not have existing CAD
  • Revenue Generation – increase revenue while helping clients lease or sell their properties

(More than 100 general contractors attended in person and more than 100 locations watched the live uStream (above), including other AGC Chapters across the U.S.)

Video Transcript (Lightly Edited)

Imagine that you’re planning to buy a vacation home at the beach. You heard about this furnished house in WaterColor, Florida. It’s about a 6 hour drive from Atlanta. 

See a 360-degree view. And then we can start your 'WalkAround' tour of  the house. 7,000 square feet. Beautifully decorated. 
We can also take a look at just a quick floor plan view; get an overall view, and then a three-dimensional model to take a look at that house. Seven bedrooms. Pool.
By the way, I am walking around by using the arrow keys on my keyboard. So it’s autonomous; I’m in control. I can take a look at the bedroom. There’s another bedroom here. I can look out over the balcony and the pool. And, then I can start walking into one of the bedrooms and 'WalkAround.' 360-Degree views. Three-dimensional model. Fly right in and look around. We shot this $3.8 million house in less than a day and it was ready to share like this – the next day to help people make decisions about buying this house. It’s as if you’re there even though you’re six hours away. So, why am I showing you this house?
Innovation often takes place at the intersection of an existing technology used for one purpose. In this example, luxury real estate, 

As general contractors, how might you apply this Matterport 3D Showcase 'WalkAround' technology to what you do? It’s relatively new. This solution has only been possible since July 2014.
What I am showing you is embedded into a website. The magic of what we’re doing is that the camera is capturing three-dimensional data at the same time that we’re capturing the real photography. 
So, for those of you who are interested in object (.OBJ) or .RVT files, the .OBJ can be exported within 24 hours of completing the photo shoot. So, that's the power of what we’re doing with this photography. Or, we can tease out the .RVT file and present it to you like this. Your CAD people can do this, or we can do this for you.
So, how might what we do apply to you in the commercial construction space? Let me suggest three thought-starters. 

  • The first is reference photography. If you’re presently taking pictures of outlets and plumbing, etc., that’s terrific but maybe we can improve the process so you can see the relationship, so you can see everything that’s in the wall before you put up the drywall and really understand the space because we’re visual in terms of three-dimensional views of being able to walk into a room. And that reference photography, if you have out-of-town clients, imagine being able to send them the 'WalkAround' so they can walk through at the framing stage and experience the space. And at the same time that you’re doing this reference photography, imagine being able to enable the safety director to be able to walk through the space and start tagging things for the various trades. The flashing or the electrical outlets are the wrong place. 24/7 have access to the model so that you can make this reference photography useful in various ways. Reference photography.
  • Second, renovation. So, many of you probably have people that show up on a job site for a day or two where there’s no existing CAD file. And they are taking measurements and pictures. Then they go back to the office and they take a day or two to reconstruct the space. You’re tying up very senior people. They’re really interested in design: not constructing the model to begin design. We come out and shoot 10,000 square feet today; it’s ready the next day for the CAD architect to begin working with object file.
  • And the third use that I would suggest is revenue generation. So, you’re a general contractor. You finish your project. Let’s shoot it. Now give it to your client to help them rent, lease or sell their space sooner. Endear yourself to the client. You’re looking for the next project. Use our photography as a way to showcase the project you just completed so you can get your next major construction project. And give it to the architect. And to the major trades. Because they want to show-off what they did on that project as well.

So, that’s reference photography, renovation, and revenue generation. 
I have three requests for you:

  • The first, if you’re selling a home this year, please let me introduce you to a real estate agent that provides our solution to you at no charge to help you sell your house.
  • Second, if you have colleagues who are production builders and they’ve got 5, 10, 15 or 20 models to show off, let us shoot those spaces to help people who are two hours away; out-of-state or out of-the-country, to be able to make confident decisions about renting, leasing, buying, building, renovating, going, experiencing, booking. 
  • And my third ask for you is to take us for a test drive. Let us shoot 10,000 square feet of a finished space and deliver the 3D Showcase 'WalkAround' tour to you the next day so that you can share it with your client to help them achieve their goal, to the architect, to the lead trades. Take a test drive.
We Get Around Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod presentation at AGC Georgia Construction Tech Forum at Atlanta Tech Village on Thursday, 29 January 2015. Screen capture from video courtesy of Zbrella.

We Get Around Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod presentation at AGC Georgia Construction Tech Forum at Atlanta Tech Village on Thursday, 29 January 2015. Screen capture from video courtesy of Zbrella.

Thank you for your time today. I’m Dan Smigrod, Founder, CEO, and Chief Photographer for We Get Around and the founder of the We Get Around Network of Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers. Hundreds of cities. Five continents.


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